Craniomandibular Dysfunctions – gkv
Manual Therapie
Manual therapy deals with functional disorders of the locomotor and nervous systems.
Using specific mobilization techniques on the joints, spine, muscles or connective tissue, these functional disorders are treated and optimal joint mechanics, muscle function and function of the nervous system are restored.
For example, in cases of arthrosis, impingement syndrome of the shoulder, meniscus injuries, herniated discs, etc., as well as after operations following anterior cruciate ligament rupture, hip endoprosthesis or Achilles tendon rupture, pain is relieved, movements are improved and performance is optimized.
Orthopedic manual therapy
In Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OMT), examination and treatment of complaints of the musculoskeletal system, e.g. problems with joints, tendons, muscles and nerves, are performed. The OMT therapist is trained according to the guidelines of IFOMPT.
The treatment by an OMT therapist is not only about the short-term relief of the complaints, but rather about recognizing the problem and finding a solution strategy together with the patient. This approach to treatment allows the complaints to be eliminated in the long term. Not only is the symptom considered, but the patient and their environment as a whole is important. Both the symptom-triggering structure and the habits of the patient that contribute to the problem are taken into consideration.